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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) profoundly and positively impacts the lives of people across the Chippewa Valley. This virtual exhibit, created for the 30th anniversary of the ADA's passage, explores the impact of the ADA in our region by showcasing images, artifacts, and more that tell the story of the ADA in the Chippewa Valley.

Efforts to improve accessibility are all around us, and often go unnoticed. The images to the right, both from Carson Park in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, demonstrate those unnoticed efforts that this exhibit aims to highlight. The image on the top is the accessible boat launch facilities at Braun's Bay. In the image you can see the wheelchair accessible pier. The bottom image shows truncated domes, the raised yellow dots that appear on curb ramps. These truncated domes help individuals distinguish the boundary between sidewalk and street. These truncated domes are a requirement of the ADA act established first in 1991 for transit platforms and curb cuts since July 2001.

Throughout this exhibit you can click on images, such as the two appearing to the right on this page, to view a larger version and discover more information.

We hope that you enjoy this exhibit and learn more about the ADA on this important anniversary.