Kathy Volkmann, Credit Union Worker, May 2021



Kathy Volkmann, Credit Union Worker, May 2021


Interviewees: Kathy Volkmann
Interviewer: Megan Schaefer
Date: May 7, 2021
Format: Zoom recording
Location of Interview: Wausau/Eau Claire
Additional Transcription Equipment Used: None
Project in Association with: University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire


Oral history transcript


May 7, 2021


Megan Schaefer


Alexis Polencheck


Kathy Volkmann works at a credit union towards the center of Wisconsin. She also volunteers at a museum through the Marathon County Historical Society. In the interview, she discusses the ways that Covid has changed the way she works and communicates with people around her. She also considers how museums in the present and future could be shaped by the virus. Additionally, she contemplates the ways that Covid has changed the way she looks at her community based on people who have not been cooperating with mask mandates and CDC guidelines.

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