APART TOGETHER- pages from digital scrapbook



APART TOGETHER- pages from digital scrapbook


As has been the experience of many of us with relatives far way, I have not seen my daughter and grandchildren, who live in Colorado, for over a year-and-a half. For the first 5 months of the COVID pandemic, we Face-Timed nightly to keep in touch and documented our calls with pictures. The book of these photos was titled “APART TOGETHER…Daily Face-Time Connections During Times of Covid” and ranged over 155 days from mid March to mid-August. This book was followed up with “APART TOGETHER Part 2” which took into account Sept 2020-Feb 2021. So there are hundreds of pages of memories while apart.
The memories in the books documented everyday life during the pandemic and included holidays, birthdays and graduations celebrated from afar. Interspersed within the pages that highlighted the family were those national events..the election of Joe Biden/Kamala Harris, Black Lives Matter demonstrations, the deaths of Ruth Bader Ginsberg and John Lewis, the severe weather events of fires in the West, hurricanes in the Atlantic along with power outages in the South and also sporting events without fans in the stands. Overriding all that was going on was the COVID epidemic which had us somewhat confined to our homes.
The following pictures submitted for the COVID project are those 70+ pages that related to the epidemic. At the time of my submission (June 2021) there are now over 600,000 deaths in the United States and 8,000 in Wisconsin, with over 100 deaths in Eau Claire County due to COVID.




Eau Claire, Wis., 54701


Kate Mulvaney


Kate Mulvaney


Home and family

This item was submitted on June 29, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Contribute an object” on the site “Western Wisconsin COVID-19 Archive Project”: http://lib02dev.uwec.edu/Omeka/s/C19

Click here to view the collected data.

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